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History: HomePage

Preview of version: 76

This is the Home of Tiki for Education

EDU is the short for 'education' and tiki is an abbreviation of TikiWiki. Since october 2002 Tikiwiki is used in several educative contexts and this website is dedicated to help that use and gather useful components to make it easier.
We are in the stage of improving the main collaborative webspace environment which offers AulaWiki & Workspaces. Use the forums to talk/ask/discuss anything related to the Educational use of Tiki CMS/Groupware, suggest improvements, ... And, of course, test AulaWiki! 😉. We've also created a ToDo page and a SuggestedFeaturesList (feel free to contribute! 😊 )

This is a preliminary topic map. Please enhance it or suggest how to enhance it

About current developments of Tiki for EDU

  • AulaWiki & Workspaces: some adaptations of Tiki for educational contexts (Secondary schools, Universities, etc.), as well as the main new feature to help managing groups of resources, permissions and users in an easy way.
  • You can see Workspaces in action here on edu.tw.o: http://edu.tikiwiki.org/tiki-workspaces_desktop.php?workspaceId=2

If you want to try AulaWiki workspaces through joining us documenting them, you can add yourself as registered user to this workspace. To do so, follow these simple three steps:
    1. Click here (link to the "Admin" tab) of the workspace
    2. Press on the "add user" button,
    3. write your username in the "User name" box that will appear, and press "Add user" button.
      You are done. You'll see your self as user in the workspace members box on the main workspace desktop zone, and you'll see "Documentation on Workspaces" under the "My workspaces" section of the my workspaces module, in left column of the site.
      And read (while improving) the present documentation as a starter, of course! 😉

Sample Workspace usage here on edu.tw.o (join us! :-)
Sample Workspace usage here on edu.tw.o (join us! :-)

Click and try it (demo site)!
Click and try it (demo site)!

Latest threads and posts on edu.tw.o forums



Communications of TikiWiki for Edu

(1) CIDUI - ))UniWiki-I((


(2) CIUDI - ))UniWiki-II((


(3) JPLUPC'06-I


(4) JPLUPC'06-II


(5) Tiki as e-Portfolio


(6) Type of contributions and Action logs


(7) Experiential - Reflective Learning


Success Stories

Secondary level:

  • I'm Not So Dumb is a startup refrence/student resource for secondary and entry collegic level math/sciences. This project is live now and is starting the first phase of information creation.
  • We use Tiki in a Spanish secondary school http://www.cmariavirgen.org
  • I have setup a school intranet based on tiki. Must add that much of it has been heavily customised for use in the school environment and to make it more user friendly. Take a peek at http://trinitysch.org.uk but because it is a live site you cannot login. UserPageAndy
  • We use Tiki in a secondary school in the Free Republic of Minnesota http://torch.harborcityschool.net
  • Denny & LTSP: http://dennisgdaniels.com (?)
  • I've used TikiWiki for two very specific projects. First, there is Battles of World War I project. Students recreated battles from WWI using the weapons and tactics of the time. The other is called the Holocaust Wiki Project and here students must create a branching simulation (think choose your own adventure). For both projects I selected TikiWiki because of the wiki features and its is one of the only wikis with a login.
  • I've just started using TikiWiki for a student collaborative research project into how ICT trends like Web 2.0 are effecting their lives. The adventure begins here CICT Wiki . The students will become a part of one of five teams and be able to choose one of the research projects listed from Social Networks in Education to the Digital Divide. They will each take a specific role as well, to make sure that all posts are to a high standard. For the project I selected TikiWiki because of the wiki features and its ease to setup on my server.
  • please add more ...

University level:

  • ))UniWiki((: Some lecturers are using it a University of Barcelona, in Catalonia (Spain) within a project called Uniwiki, to test some tools for writing documents collaboratively among lecturers, students, and lecturers-students. The main tool is a Wiki, and some of the lecturers use Tiki. See more here, or directly at their homepage (http://uniwiki.ourproject.org, in catalan, and bits in Spanish).
  • Matt Barton's TikiWiki - an English professor using TikiWiki to enable collaborative writing and composition.
  • ))CarpeTiki(( Project:
    • Carpetiki is the name of a project of innovaction in teaching related to the use of "learning folders" (as we call them in Catalan, equivalent to "ePortfolio's") to improve the methods for avaluating learning at university, using tools from Information and Communicaction Technologies (ICT) of free software. Read more...
  • ))AWikiForum(( project:
    • AWikiForum is the name of a funded project of innovaction in teaching related to the Evaluation students' contributions to Wikis and Forums, using tools from Information and Communicaction Technologies (ICT) of free software. Read more...
  • please add more ...


  • We will use Tiki in our main portal training center http://www2.iseit.com.ve. We are using Moodle for campus.
  • I use it for my Internet Design and Fundamentals class. I talk about ita little, but will add morehere: aimeeblog
  • please add more ...

Future Directions

  • Improve Tiki logs of activity by user and by work, and add some kind of simple interface for report generation.
  • "Type of contribution" requested to users at post time, to enhance reflective and significative learning... doc:Contribution
  • We want to use the WikiWikiWeb - technology for a project in the commercial basic formation. The project-site is on http://spedlog.stie.biz! (german)

Past Directions


Who is Here


Information Version
Gary Cunningham-Lee Minor edits in the jumbo lead. 124
luciash d' being ?‍♂️ 123
Alice Smith 122
Alice Smith 121
Jean-Marc Libs Remove spammy links from "Alice Smith" and "lissacoffey" [Rollback by xavidp to version 118] 120
Jean-Marc Libs Remove spammy links from "Alice Smith" and "lissacoffey" 118
Xavi (as xavidp - admin) 116
Xavi (as xavidp - admin) 115
Xavi (as xavidp - admin) 114
luciash d' being ?‍♂️ https 113
drsassafras spelling and grammer fixes, removed a duplicated section 111
Xavi 110
gonzalezedw 109
gonzalezedw 108
Gary Cunningham-Lee A few wording improvements. 103
Xavi added info about plugin PlayScorm 102
Xavi removed ))FooBar(( tags (not working any more it seems) and added freetags 101
Xavi 100
Xavi 99
Xavi 98
Xavi 97
Xavi 96
Xavi reformatted in tabs 95
Xavi 94
Xavi added cochise project docs 93
Xavi another go at updating and extending the info in this page 92
Xavi 91
Xavi updated a bit 90
Xavi 89
Xavi (as xavidp - admin) 88
Xavi 87
Roberto López 86
Roberto López 85
Roberto López deleted the previous toc. There was a warning indicating that the toc box couldn't be created. Now it works! 84
Xavi 83
Xavi 82
Xavi (as xavidp - admin) 81
Xavi 80
Xavi some updates of information, and removing useless sentences I wrote years ago as temporary... (and they lasted for years) 79
Javier Reyes Gomez 78
Xavi 77
Xavi 76
Xavi 75
Xavi 74
Xavi 73
Xavi 72
Javier Reyes Gomez 71
tech 70
tech 69
Xavi 68

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