For each workspace, the first step is to identify the different roles people in our organisation play. If we consider the previous definition, instructors and students are two candidate roles within the workspaces. Each role will have levels of associated privileges that allow the users associated to these roles to act within specific ways. We use tiki-workspaces_roles.php to administer the roles.

Administration of Roles
Administration of Roles

In the page we define the name of the role, provide a description, and optionally we can indicate the name of a user group of Tiki that defined the permissions that we apply to the resources of the work spaces. If no group is selected, one will be created automatically.

The lower part of the screen shows the existing rolls, and it is possible to change the permissions of the group by pressing in the icon Image .

The use of a single group of permissions means that the permissions will be automatically applied to the resources created within each workspace.

Here we can create the roles “teacher” and “student”, and we will assign them to the group roles with the levels of permissions that we created for each one of the types of resources of Tiki.

Several predefined roles exist that have a special behaviour with respect to the rest of roles that we previously define:
  • Registered: all the users registered in the system. Users of this role will not be able to be associated to a work space, since the system automatically associates this to all the users who register themselves.
  • Anonymous: users who access to the system without registering. Like registered uses, anonymous users will not be able to be associated with a workspace.
  • Owner: the administrator of a work space. For each new workspace created, the administrator is automatically associated with this role.